Age   Gender Highest level of education completed  
1. How many years/months have you been using the Internet?   
1a. How many hours a day do you spend using the Internet at WORK/SCHOOL? 
1b. How many hours a day do you spend using the Internet at HOME? 
1c. In total, how many hours per week do you spend using the Internet?  
2. What do you primarily use the Internet for? (Please check all that apply)
Communication with others    
Gathering information     
Wasting time     
3. How often do you use the following each week?  
 Online games
 Sex sites
 Downloading music
 Online banking
4. Which of the following have you done? For the tasks you have done, rate how capable you felt doing these.
 ordered a product/service by filling out a form on the Web
 made a purchase online for more than £100  
 created a Web page from scratch using an HTML editor
 customised a Web page for yourself (e.g. using Geocities)
 changed your browser's "startup" or "home" page
 changed your "cookie" preferences  
 participated in an online chat or discussion (not including email)
 listened to a radio broadcast online  
 made a telephone call online  
 used an online directory to find an address/telephone number
 taken an online class  
 sent a fax online  
 used streaming audio over the Internet  
 used video conferencing over the Internet  
 used digital signature/ID cards  
 used technologies such as Java, Shockwave or Applets
 downloaded software from the Internet 
 transferred files between servers 
 completed an online survey 
5. What types of information do you search for? (Please check all that apply)
  Commercial products/services 
  Job/Home listings 
  Reference material 
6a. To what extent do you use the Internet to search for specific information? 
6b. To what extent do you use the Internet to browse for general information? 
6c. To what extent do you use the Internet to just explore? 
7. Out of 100%, estimate the percentage of the total time on the Internet spent:
 % Searching for specific information 
 % Browsing for general information 
 % Exploring  
 (The 3 boxes should total 100) 
8. Think of an example when you were searching the Internet for specific information.
Describe in detail what you did to find what you wanted (not what but HOW you found the info)
9. Think of an example when you were browsing the Internet for general information.
Describe in detail what you did to find what you wanted (not what but HOW you found the info)
10. Think of an example when you were exploring the Internet just for fun.
Describe in detail what you did to find what you wanted (not what but HOW you found the info)
11. What do you find is the biggest problem using the Internet? (Please check all that apply)
  Not being able to find the information I am looking for    
  Not being able to efficiently organise the information I gather    
  Not being able to find a page I know is out there   
  Not being able to return to a page I once visited    
  Not being able to determine where I am   
  Not being able to visualise where I have been and where I can go   
  It takes too long to view/download pages    
  Sites that require me to register with them  
  Encountering links that do not work   
  Encountering sites that want me to pay to access information    
  Sites that are not compatible with all browsers  
  Sites with too many graphics or useless graphics    
12. Use these criteria for the next question:
 NoviceUses step by step instructions, usually needs some guidance 
 IntermediateUses basic and default features of a few Internet resources 
 AdvancedUses more powerful features of many Internet resources 
 ExpertHas detailed knowledge of most Internet resources 
 Please select your skill level based on the above scale
13. How frequently have you used the Internet instead of the following activities in the past 6 months?
 Instead of watching TV?
 Instead of talking on the phone?
 Instead of sleeping?
 Instead of exercising?
 Instead of reading?
 Instead of going to the movies?
 Instead of going out/socialising?
 Instead of doing household work?
 Instead of working?
14. To what extent has the Web become a part of your everyday life? 
15a. How capable do you feel using computers, in general?  
15b. How capable do you feel using the Internet?  
15c. How satisfied are you with your current skills for using the Internet?  
16a. How easy is the Internet to use? 
16b. How easy is it to become skillful at using the Internet?  
16c. How easy is it to interact with the Internet? 
17. Rate the following statements according to how strongly you dis/agree with them
 The Internet is an efficient way of getting information
 I feel intimidated by the Internet
 The Internet is responsible for many of the good things we enjoy
 There are unlimited possibilities of Internet applications
 The Internet is frustrating to work with
 The Internet can eliminate a lot of tedious work
 The Internet is dehumanising to society
 The Internet is enhancing our standard of living
 The disadvantages of the Internet outweigh its advantages
 The Internet helps me create new ideas
 The Internet helps me put new ideas into action
 The Internet makes me uncomfortable because I don't understand it
18. To what extent do you understand the Internet? 
18b. To what extent do you understand the terms used to describe the function/components of the Internet? 
19. Give a description of what you think the Internet is ...
20. Complete the following statements:
 When I think of the Internet, I think of ...
 The Internet is like a ...
21a. Think about sitting in front of your computer. You are about to access the Internet. Rate how clear your thoughts are when thinking about ... 
 The shape and size of the Internet 
 How it is structured 
 How it is linked 
 How information is retrieved and shared 
21b. You are searching the Internet for specific information. Rate how clear your thoughts are when thinking about ... 
 Going to your home page 
 The search engine 
 Accessing the information 
 Continuing your search for information 
22a. When thinking about the above scenarios, your thoughts were mainly ...  
22b. On the whole, you tend to think in ...  
22c. Which do you find more intuitive/easier to understand?  
22d. Do you use different senses when thinking about different things?  
  Give a few examples ...   
Please contact me if you wish to use this questionnaire for your own research.
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University of Bath | Department of Psychology
Department of Psychology, University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY
This page is created and maintained by Amy Hogan. Last Updated: May 11, 2006
Amy Hogan © 2006. All Rights Reserved.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.